Private International Health Insurance
International health providers are becoming increasingly popular to protect individuals and their families against expensive health care policies that some countries entail. Where it is necessary to obtain a visa, which in turn sometimes requires recognised and accepted medical insurance, i.e. Germany, we have several medical insurance solutions for you to consider.... at ERICON broker there are no boundaries with health insurance. More Info

Private German Health Insurance
8 million people in Germany have either decided or have been legally forced to sign up for private health insurance ("Private Krankenversicherung (PKV)) with one of the 45 insurers. Each of latter offering in average 3 plans, comparing benefits, exclusions and finding trapdoors is like be dropped in a jungle - without the right tools and bearings you will get lost!... we at ERICON broker invest in professional software to offer the right products. More Info

Statutory German Health Insurance
Approx. 73 million people in Germany have their health insurance with a statutory provider, the so-called "Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV). Knowing which of the 99 providers to pick is simply impossible for the average consumer, thus a very frustrating task. There is also a costly risk that GKV is not even the right choice for your current situation or future plans, hence professional advise is indispensable.... take ERICON broker's helping hand to put you on the right path. More Info

Miscellaneous Medical Insurances
You are looking for short-term or annual medical insurance for your travels across the world or would like to insure your dog, cat or horse against illness / surgery, then you have come to the right place.... if it is available, ERICON broker will make it possible! More Info